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JC Unique
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JC Unique

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JC Unique offering 10% off on orders of £150 or more

JC Unique is a handbag and fashion accessory wholesaler established in 2009. We started off with a passion for high quality fashion bags, which we turned JC Unique, the best place where to find the finest wholesale accessories from gloves and handbags to evening bags and clutches. We’re based in Manchester here in the UK. We sell high quality fashion handbags, purses, children’s canvas backpacks and accessories to shops and boutiques at competitive wholesale prices throughout the UK and Europe. We specialise in getting the latest on trend quality bags to you in wholesale, whether it be shoulder bags, clutch bags, evening bags, canvas handbags or gloves for the lowest possible price. No matter the season we’ve got you covered. From seasonal gloves for winter, to lightweight canvas and tote bags in the spring and summer. So, if you’re looking for a wholesaler that will have you covered no matter the time of year, look no further than us especially as we’re always available over the phon

Bags and Backpacks

10% OFFLidia Slouchy Leather Tote Bag - WBB424

Lidia Slouchy Leather Tote Bag - WBB424

JC Unique
JC UniqueUnited Kingdom, Minimum £0

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