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Habit Nest
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Habit Nest

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Habit Nest offering 20% off on orders of £175 or more

Habit Nest is a fully bootstrapped team who has been successfully selling D2C for over 5 years, we're jumping into the wholesale/retail realm. Habit Nest has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Forbes, HuffPost, Mind Body Green, and more. We are passionate about creating our hybrid self-help and guided journaling products that put people on an accountability loop with themselves. Our customer service is top-notch and personable and our online community of over 16K Facebook members (and over 200K page followers) is active and full of folks reaching their goals of bettering themselves. Especially as we are coming out of the pandemic, people are even more focused on finding time for self-care and self-improvement. We have our fingers on the pulse of what our customers most want in their journals and release new journals on various topics each year to match that demand.

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Health & Wellbeing

20% OFFWeightlifting Transformation Journal

Weightlifting Transformation Journal

Habit Nest
Habit NestUnited States, Minimum £0

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