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Zaha Hadid Wall Art

RRP £0.00

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Who is Zaha Hadid? Zaha Hadid, in full Dame Zaha Hadid, (born October 31, 1950, Baghdad, Iraq — died March 31, 2016, Miami, Florida, U.S.), was an Iraqi-born British architect known for her radical deconstructivist designs. In 2004 she became the first woman to be awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize. She also received the UK's most prestigious architectural award, the Stirling Prize, in 2010 and 2011. The late architect is the founder of the leading firm Zaha Hadid Architects which has designed 950 projects in 44 countries. Hadid’s first project—Vitra Fire Station in Germany, was constructed in 1994, while her latest project was the One Thousand Museum which is currently under construction and will be ready by the end of 2018. Hadid’s infatuation with design was not only limited to architecture. As a matter of fact, she had a very successful line of shoe designs where she could let out all her creative juices without being restrained by the limitations of architectural design. One of her famous shoe designs was known as “the flame”. The pair of heels reflected a Zaha-like futuristic appeal reminiscent of parametric forms. Product Description: Length: 29.7cm Width: 21cm UNFRAMED Printed on Archival Paper

Who is Zaha Hadid? Zaha Hadid, in full Dame Zaha Hadid, (born October 31, 1950, Baghdad, Iraq — died March 31, 2016, Miami, Florida, U.S.), was an Iraqi-born British architect known for her radical deconstructivist designs. In 2004 she became the first woman to be awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize. She also received the UK's most prestigious architectural award, the Stirling Prize, in 2010 and 2011. The late architect is the founder of the leading firm Zaha Hadid Architects which has designed 950 projects in 44 countries. Hadid’s first project—Vitra Fire Station in Germany, was constructed in 1994, while her latest project was the One Thousand Museum which is currently under construction and will be ready by the end of 2018. Hadid’s infatuation with design was not only limited to architecture. As a matter of fact, she had a very successful line of shoe designs where she could let out all her creative juices without being restrained by the limitations of architectural design. One of her famous shoe designs was known as “the flame”. The pair of heels reflected a Zaha-like futuristic appeal reminiscent of parametric forms. Product Description: Length: 29.7cm Width: 21cm UNFRAMED Printed on Archival Paper

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