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RRP £0.00

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A unique clock containing individual vintage cards sourced from a 1930s spelling game. The cards are then double mounted with cream and black, into a stylish black wood box frame. A quartz clock mechanism has been inserted into the frame creating an original stylish clock. Every card is an original, we do not reproduce any cards. The perfect gift for Father's Day or a great addition to any golfing home. Cream/Black 51cm x 23cm

A unique clock containing individual vintage cards sourced from a 1930s spelling game. The cards are then double mounted with cream and black, into a stylish black wood box frame. A quartz clock mechanism has been inserted into the frame creating an original stylish clock. Every card is an original, we do not reproduce any cards. The perfect gift for Father's Day or a great addition to any golfing home. Cream/Black 51cm x 23cm

Ships in 18 days

Vintage Playing Cards

Vintage Playing Cards

United Kingdom

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