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Parisian Gold Large Handbag + Tote

RRP £0.00

Estimated shipment in 3-5 business days

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K.s versatile PARISIAN GOLD LARGE TOTE /HANDBAG is designed as a elegant everyday bag for women. It is 100% recycled from plastic bottles. The light high-tech material of it with combination of classic details makes it contemporary luxury for modern women. It is also suitable for different occasions such as work, sport and leisure to keep you modern and classy meantime. SPECIFICATIONS: light weight long lasting form 3D knitted fabric Water resistant sustainable Well organized interior, from 100% recycled lining detachable and adjustable strap from high quality safety straps small metal feet for protection Inside one Laptop pocket, one zipper pocket and 2 small pockets Key holder 48 L x 32 H x 14 W

K.s versatile PARISIAN GOLD LARGE TOTE /HANDBAG is designed as a elegant everyday bag for women. It is 100% recycled from plastic bottles. The light high-tech material of it with combination of classic details makes it contemporary luxury for modern women. It is also suitable for different occasions such as work, sport and leisure to keep you modern and classy meantime. SPECIFICATIONS: light weight long lasting form 3D knitted fabric Water resistant sustainable Well organized interior, from 100% recycled lining detachable and adjustable strap from high quality safety straps small metal feet for protection Inside one Laptop pocket, one zipper pocket and 2 small pockets Key holder 48 L x 32 H x 14 W

Estimated shipment in 3-5 business days




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